Friday, August 8, 2014

Do You See What I See?

Today I was looking at Click It Up A Notch {one of my favorite photography websites} and found this wonderful article, "How to Build Confidence as a Photographer: Part 2" by Brennan Lanter.
It really helped snap me out of my "everyone is a photographer and SO much better than I am" slump.

Phew! Glad to be out of that! 
It was depressing.

She mentioned that one thing she does is pick out a photo she took in the beginning of her photography journey and re-create the shot using all the skills and knowledge she has now. By doing that, she can see how awesome she has become!

This is the best kind of comparison.
Compare yourself, to yourself!
That is the way you will see growth.
That is the way you will find YOUR style.

Let me show you my very first family photo shoot:
This was one of my favorite pictures from that shoot. It's not baaad. The family is gorgeous regardless of my skill, but I look at it now and can definitely see how I can improve it.

Now, here is a photo of the same family one year later.
See?? I've improved!
…and I still have room for improvement. 

It seems like there are so many photographers out there (and there are), but there is no one photographer like me. No one sees through a lens the way I do. 
I have two amazing photographers in my family, one is my eldest sister and the other is one of my sister-in-laws. They are both fantastic at what they do! I love their work. At certain times in my photography journey, I felt like I needed to be more like one or the other, but that is not true! 
Like I said, they are fantastic at what they do. I am fantastic at what I do. 

So, for anyone one is who struggling with their confidence as a photographer, 
or whatever your chosen hobby or talent is, chill!
It is your talent that God has given you. 
When I was in my slump of "everyone is a photographer and better than me" I told my husband I was going to drop that talent and weave baskets. I just wanted a talent/hobby that everyone and their mom didn't do. I felt like I wasn't an individual anymore. 
I was wrong. 
It doesn't matter if every one on your block weaves baskets.
No one can do it like you.

So, get out there!
Embrace what you do best.
Love it.
Be motivated and inspired by others work, but compare yourself to yourself.
The world needs what you have to offer.

Show the world what you see!

1 comment:

  1. For me...I take pictures that PLEASE my EYE...I have taken no courses or anything like it...but, if the picture truly pleases my eye...then...I am very happy....Like today and tonight...I took several "nature" pictures...while Garvin and I drove see some of the country that surrounds us...I can hardly wait to see how they turned out...Recently, I took a number of GIRL CAMP pictures...and was so pleased with my efforts...Perhaps, to a professional...they may not be good...but, I sure LIKED Though, I am certain...I could DEFINITELY IMPROVE...learning MORE about HOW TO USE MY CAMERA...would be a good start! smile I LOVE your pictures...especially of my darling little grandchildren...and that, darling Rose...MAKES ME VERY HAPPY! smle
